Family Contract
Production Fees:
Production fees help to cover the cost of rehearsal hours, costumes, theater rental, studio rental, and all of the other expenses necessary to put on a production. For the family contract, there is a $35 costume fee.
Please click the box that corresponds with your child's dance level:
Volunteer Hours and Volunteer Fees:
Volunteers Hours: Family participation as a volunteer is extremely important, and each family is required to volunteer for each show. The required volunteer credits is based upon the show. Nutcracker requires 25 hours or 5 credits (~5 hours per credit); Spring show requires 20 hours or 4 credits, as defined by volunteer positions. We will be coordinating the volunteer positions and will be available to answer any questions. We usually need parent volunteers to help with Saturday rehearsals, the dress rehearsal, performances and pre-performance jobs. We also welcome volunteers from your extended family and friends. Without volunteers we would not be able to hold our shows and keep our production fees low. You will be emailed a link to the online volunteer signup.
Volunteer Fee: A volunteer fee deposit is required (Deposit in check form). Nutcracker requires a $300.00 fee; Spring show requires a $200.00 fee. This fee will be held and returned to you a week after the performance for those families that fulfilled volunteer credits for this production. Please write a separate check so we can return it to you after completion of the required volunteer hours. If families are unable to volunteer, the fee will be used by BBT to hire people to fill in where volunteers would otherwise be needed.
Casting is a complex process and includes many factors. Once the cast lists have been posted on studio bulletin boards and emailed to a Gmail group, note your dancer’s role(s), and cast(s). Each cast corresponds to a set of dress rehearsal dates, performance dates and time, and many include weekday outreach performances. Make sure your dancer’s casting matches her/his availability. If there are discrepancies in casting or if her/his name is spelled incorrectly, report the error in writing to the BBT office at once. Casting determines your dancer’s call time to rehearsals and shows, and volunteer availability, so be sure you understand the cast list and rehearsal/performance time. It can be overwhelming at first, feel free to ask a veteran BBT family or a staff member. Check the cast list from time to time because occasionally changes are necessary.
BBT provides the performance costumes. There is a $35.00 fee for all costumes. Each dancer is responsible for the proper color and style of shoes, tights, leotards, hair supplies and make-up. Shoes, tights, and leotards must be clean. Costumes are worn by many dancers, so clothing underneath must be clean, dry and free of odor. Dancers must wear street clothes to and from the theater and rehearsals. Female dancers need to have a nude-colored leotard to wear under costumes. Male dancers must have a clean white T-shirt with no printed design to wear under jackets and costumes.
If a dancer wishes to participate in a performance, the dancer must make a commitment to attend all scheduled rehearsals. BBT endeavors to produce a well rehearsed and professional quality performance. We try to keep the amount of rehearsal time to the necessary minimum. A quality performance requires extra rehearsal time as well as regular class training. More than two unexcused absences from scheduled rehearsals may result in the dancer being dismissed from one or more roles. If there is an unforeseen conflict, illness or injury, you must notify the Artistic Staff as far in advance as practicable to be excused from rehearsal.
A performance is a team effort. If a dancer does not attend rehearsal, it affects not only that dancer, but also other dancers who are expecting to perform with them. It also comes at a great cost in faculty time.
Actual rehearsal times for each role are posted on the bulletin boards, the website calendar, and sent out electronically via our group email list at least one week prior to each rehearsal date. Please make a note of these times and any changes. No dancer may miss the onstage Dress Rehearsal.
Email Group:
BBT uses a group email to circulate important information about casting, rehearsals, performances, volunteering, and ticket sales. If you haven't received any communications two weeks after the audition date, please reach out to Any changes to rehearsal dates and times will be emailed through the same account. It is very important that you become a member of this online group for up to date information as well as any changes to rehearsal times or cast lists. You can be added by emailing
Expected Behavior:
Each dancer is expected to treat all dancers, faculty members, staff and parents with respect. No dancer or group of dancers should use or abuse their power to intimidate, hurt, oppress or damage someone else, covertly or online. Every role is important to the overall production and every dancer should be treated with respect.
By submitting this form, I agree that I have read the full text of the “Dancers and Parents Letter of Agreement” and understand what is expected under this agreement, including the fulfillment of volunteer responsibilities and expected behavior. I hereby in good faith agree to bring my dancer to all rehearsals and performances for Benicia Ballet Theatre’s production. I understand that all rehearsals are mandatory. Therefore, if my dancer is unable to attend due to illness or emergency, I will notify the Artistic staff to request an excused absence. I will make sure my dancer is on time and prepared for all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances. If a dancer is absent from a rehearsal without an excuse, she/he could be dropped from the show. I agree to bring my dancer to her/his dance class(es) on a regular basis. Regular class attendance is necessary to be fully prepared to dance in these performances. Missed classes should be made up. I will explain to my dancer how important it is to work together as a team with other dancers, the Director, and technical staff for the success of the entire production. I will attend the dress rehearsal and the performance.
In the event of missed rehearsals, my dancer will access the YouTube channel that BBT provides for dancers. This channel allows dancers to review and practice dance routines at home in order to be prepared for the following rehearsals.